OVERVIEW : The Best Care Connection is a tool for individuals seeking positions to work as a paid caregiver for Best Care clients. Also, for clients to connect with available caregivers who are pre-approved to work for Best Care. These Terms apply to anyone using the Best Care Connection site, including both clients and caregivers. Throughout the rest of these Terms of Use, “User” shall refer equally to both clients and caregivers. 

ACCEPTING OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS : By using the Best Care Connection site, clients and caregivers agree to be bound by these Terms. Best Care may amend these Terms any time by posting the amended version on the Best Care Connection website. Your continued use of the site shall constitute acceptance of the amended Terms. If you have any questions regarding your posting or the Best Care Connection site, please email [email protected] or call (763) 710-2031. 

  • RESPONSIBILITIES : Users are responsible for: • Monitoring the status of, and responses to, items posted by Users. • Complying with any and all applicable federal, state, and local laws. • Determining the content for the User’s posting(s) and are solely responsible for all information posted by Users.
  • MODIFICATIONS : • Best Care reserves the right to modify in part or in whole, or temporarily or permanently discontinue the Connection, or any content contained therein, for any reason and at any time without notice. • The Best Care Connection site, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced without the prior express written consent of Best Care.

  • LIMITATION OF LIABILITY : • Best Care shall not be liable for failure of any User to perform any of the obligations, agreements, or commitments that may be offered or promised to any other User related to the use of the Connection site. • Best Care makes no warranty or representations related to Users related to the Best Care Connection site. Best Care expressly disclaims any liability to User resulting from using the site. • Best Care shall not be liable for any harm caused by using or not being able to use the site. • Best Care is not responsible for any breach of security, including those caused by User’s.

  • DISCLAIMERS AND INDEMNIFICATION CLAUSE : • The Best Care Connection site is provided on an “AS IS” and “as available” basis. By using the site, Users expressly agrees that use of the Connection is at User’s sole risk and Best Care is not liable for any injury or harm from using or not being able to use the site. • No employment relationship is created between Best Care and Users. • Best Care reserves the right to deny, suspend, terminate, and disable access to the Connection at any time, with or without notice. • BEST CARE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY AUTHORIZED OR UNAUTHORIZED USE. BEST CARE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. • User shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Best Care and its directors, officers, Caregivers and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees resulting from User’s breach of the Terms of Use.